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So you are thinking about involving your school, organization, club, church or community in the Million Misfit Sock March.  That's just GREAT.  So here are some ideas to get you started:


ONE: Have everyone in your "group" sport misfit socks.  You can really have fun with this.  Maybe you roll your pants up--there's something really powerful and fun when so many people express themselves through their misfit socks.


TWO: If your school is celebrating the Million Misfit Sock March, you might think about hosting an assembly around the themes of empowerment or anti-bullying.  You might have students perform something that they are wonderful at: maybe they draw, play a musical instrument, ride a unicycle--whatever that is celebrate it.  


THREE:  Remember that October is anti-bullying month.  Some schools have had students bring in a misfit sock and during the assembly they begin to tie all of the socks together, making a giant chain. Other organizations have participated in some kid of misfit sock art project while others have hung a clothesline, displaying all of their misfit socks with special messages tucked in each sock or pinned to the sock.  The messages either make a statement about anti-bullying or what makes them different.  


One clever idea is to make misfit sock puppets and then write a script for a puppet show around these themes.  Check out this amazing anti-bullying puppet show:





FOUR: There are lots of ideas at Misfit University:


AND we have a Misfit Sock Angel Project with some great misfit sock service ideas:


FIVE:  YOU can earn a Girl Scout patch for your participation:


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